Best Indie Music
Marketing Books

The #1 Book For Customer Generation: Oversubscribed – How To Get Customers

What is ‘Oversubscribed’? Learn how to get your business oversubscribed in a crowded marketplace to make your business stand out and get people lining up to do business with you.
Are you constantly chasing customers? Why does it seem like some businesses have their customers begging to purchase their goods or services? Think about it for a moment.

When a new iPhone is released, why do customers camp overnight to be the first through the door? In cities with thousands of great restaurants, why do some restaurants require reservations months in advance?

In the modern marketplace, consumer options are virtually endless, intense competition is rife and so much is given away for free online.

Often businesses are left scrambling to attract enough customers to make a small profit. Yet the opposite is true for a small number of businesses that do things differently-customers chase them. They have buyers who gladly queue up, pay more, and eagerly wait for the chance to hand over their money for the next thing.

Author Daniel Priestley, a successful entrepreneur who has built and sold businesses around the world, shares proven, real-world methods that will not only grab customers’ attention, but will also have them lining up to buy from you. This invaluable guide will teach you how to drive demand for your products or services far beyond supply and will dramatically increase the success of your business.

Why do we recommend it? This book will transform the way indie musicians and producers see their support base and learn how to turn a small number of fans into an overflow of paying customers..

Get Your Copy Here: Oversubscribed

The #1 Book For Music Marketing: Dotcom Secrets – Online Funnels

What is DotcomSecrets?

DotComSecrets will give you the marketing funnels and the sales scripts you need to be able to turn on a flood of new leads into your business.

It is NOT just another “how to” book on Internet Marketing.

It is NOT about getting more traffic to your website – yet these secrets will help you to get exponentially MORE website traffic than you’ve ever experienced before.

It is NOT about increasing your conversion – yet these secrets will increase your conversion MORE than any headline tweak or split test ever could.

In Russell Brunson’s experience, after working with hundreds of thousands of businesses he realized that low traffic or conversions are symptoms of a much greater problem that’s a little harder to see (that’s the bad news), but a lot easier to fix (that’s the good news).

Inside this book will find the actual playbook we created after running thou- sands of tests and perfecting what works online. You now have access to all of the processes, funnels and scripts that we used to scale companies online.

Why do we recommend it? Most Indies don’t understand online marketing which is crucial to their music career this book breaks down every essential part of marketing your music successfully online.

Get Your Copy Here:  DotcomSecrets

What is SEO: ‘3 Months to No.1’?

Over 3 hours of invaluable ‘walk through’ video tutorials to SHOW you what to do, including a step-by-step, week-by-week SEO Blueprint and Checklist.

If you’ve got a solid work ethic, you’re eager to learn, and your business model is sound, ‘3 Months to No.1’ will give you all the tools and know-how required to get your website to the very top of Google where the profit is.

Through a refreshingly no-nonsense plain English approach to SEO, successful London SEO Agency owner Will Coombe unveils how to…

  1. Discover SEO’s greatest secret – that it isn’t rocket science!
  2. Save thousands by doing SEO yourself, or with your in-house team
    Filter profitable traffic to your site
  3. Learn what on earth to do with your social media
  4. Effectively direct and monitor people doing SEO for you
  5. Gain the industry knowledge to call out anyone full of ‘BS’

Why do we recommend it? SEO is the core of organic traffic using Google’s search engine! (You Need To Learn This Skillset ASAP)

Get Your Copy Here:  SEO – 3 Months to No.1